Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

16 Ways to Lose Weight Faster

"Most women make the mistake of thinking, If I can't work out for a full hour, why bother?" says Lashaun Dale, co-creator of the REDBOOK/Equinox Body Renewal express class offered in select Equinox gyms this spring. Don't be one of them! Steal one of these genius ideas instead.

Woman stretching.
1. "I run to work. It's four miles from my apartment to a gym near my office. The best part is that I don't have to sacrifice precious mornings with my daughter: I shower quicker at the gym, with no distractions, so I leave home at the usual time." - SAVANNAH STEVENSON, 35, who's lost 20 pounds in 14 weeks

2. "I recruited a bunch of work friends to join the Wedding Dress Challenge with me. There's a gym in our office building, and at the beginning of the week, we put our classes on a calendar, the way we would any other meetings. Then when it's time to go, we'll just show up at each other's desks with our gear. Some days that accountability is just the extra push you need." - MILLICENT HOLCOMB, 35, who's lost 14 pounds in 7 weeks

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3. "I use my kids as fitness accessories! I found a mommy-and-me class that my 2-year-old twins love. Since there are two of them, I take my sister with me and we use the kids as weights. It's a workout lifting those babies." - MARCELLA WILSON, 40, who's lost 15 pounds in 14 weeks
4. "My husband and I decided to take the weight-loss challenge together, and we keep each other on track - even when we're away from home. When I don't feel like working out, he'll say, 'Let's go get it done.' One weekend, we were traveling and didn't have access to a gym. But it didn't matter; we went on long walks together to get the exercise in." - WILEETA MCGEE, 35, who's lost 14 pounds in 14 weeks
5. "I schedule workouts a week in advance. My husband and I have so much going on that we've found it's best to talk about how exercise fits into our schedule on Sunday nights, so we can be sure everything is good to go for the week. That way, if I need to get babysitting one day or make some other arrangements so I can get workouts in, I have time to make it happen." - SHIRA PALETZ SCHULMAN, 36, who's lost 20 pounds in 14 weeks

Workout plan.
6. "I realized that time spent hanging out with the family - even in front of the TV - didn't have to be lazy time. I discovered a DVD (Insanity: 60-Day Total Body Conditioning) that my husband and I enjoy doing together, and my son likes to get involved. He's got his jumping jacks down, and he totally wears himself out, which helps with bedtime!" - CHRISTINE
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7. "I wagered a bet with my husband: that I can lose 10 pounds before he can lose 20. If he wins, he gets two weeks of, well, you know. If I win, I get to go shopping for new clothes. When my alarm goes off in the morning, I hear the sound of the mall calling me! That helps me get up and pop in a workout DVD, usually either P90-X or Turbo Jam. I guess this is what you'd call healthy competition." - KATREANA BLUE, 36, who's lost 6 pounds in 7 weeks
8. "I rely on my teenage daughters to be my 'trainers.' If I'm ever tempted to skip my evening workouts, my girls call me out on it. They get to harp on me for once! Sometimes they're finishing up their homework when it's time for me to put in an exercise DVD, and having them there motivates me to work even harder because I want to be a good example for them." - TALAYIA ROOKS, 43, who's lost 10 pounds in 8 weeks
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9. "I track my steps. I use a pedometer and make it my goal to take 10,000 steps a day - about five miles. A few times, I realized that I had about 2,000 steps to go after I'd already gotten ready for bed. So I jumped on my home treadmill in my pj's!" - HEATHER
10. "My friends and I email each other photos of the scale every Tuesday, when we weigh ourselves. It keeps us honest - the scale doesn't lie! - and it helps me stick to my workouts five or six days a week. My girlfriends' support has made the biggest difference. Last week, I gained 1.4 pounds, and they all made me feel like the setback was okay and I could get back on track. This week, I lost 3 pounds!" - KATREANA

11. "We turned date night into exercise time. Once, my husband and I went running together at 11:30 p.m. - in the rain - on a Friday night. We must have looked like lunatics, but it was actually really fun." - CHRISTINE SAENZ, 38, who's lost 13 pounds in 14 weeks
12. "I break out Zumba on the Wii. My 5-year-old son loves to play with me. I'm meeting two of my goals at once: working out and spending time with him." - MARQUETTA HANDY, 35, who's lost 14 pounds in 7 weeks
13. "My husband and I do something we call 'Drop and give me 20.' In the morning, we do 20 military-style push-ups and 20 sit-ups together, just to fit in a little extra exercise. It's tough, and the kids are hanging off us, but it works all of the big muscles and gets me on the active path for the day. The best part is that it takes less than 10 minutes." - BROOKE MCDONALD, 41, who's lost 15 pounds in 14 weeks
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14. "I get up at 6:30 a.m., before my 7-year-old daughter wakes up, and run down to the gym we built in our basement to get in some quick cardio - even if it's just 20 minutes. I've found that two mini workouts a day are more manageable than one long one. At night, my husband and I take turns going to our local Gold's Gym. We always meet back in bed by 10 o'clock to spend some quality time together." - LISA JONES BARKSDALE, 42, who's lost 28 pounds in 14 weeks
15. "I hired a personal trainer. It was a total splurge, but I needed the push. I haven't done the math, but I'm pretty sure the food and wine I'm not buying makes up for at least half of what I pay! I'll continue working out with her as long as I can afford to; she keeps me accountable. When I travel for work, she calls to make sure I'm not falling off track while on the road." - HEATHER BENNETT, 38, who's lost 14 pounds in 14 weeks
16. "I organize morning walks with other moms in my neighborhood. Weather, sick babies, and other things life throws at you can make it difficult to fit in exercise, but we walk together when we can." - ALISA LAVENTURE, 34, who's lost 15 pounds in 14 weeks
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